Thị Lệ Thủy Nguyễn1,, Thị Huệ Anh Lê 2
1 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Hanoi University of Business and Technology

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Objectives: Describe clinical symptoms and assess the treatment results of plaque psoriasis with narrow-band ultraviolet B radiation. Subjects and method: Researching 40 moderate-to-severe common plaque psoriasis patients treated with by narrow band ultraviolet B radiation at National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology from June 2018 to July 2019. Results: 27 male patients accounted for 67.5%, and 13 female patients accounted for 31.5%. The most common lesion area is on the trunk, accounting for 100%, followed by the head with 92.5%. The patients with moderate conditions accounted for 82.5%, while those with type IV accounted for 77.5%. This disease occurs in all professions.  After 16 scans, 7.5% of the patients achieved PASI 75. No patients had serious side effects during the irradiation. 100% of post-irradiated patients have hyperpigmentation. Conclusion: Treatment of common plaque psoriasis with narrow band ultraviolet B light has high therapeutic efficiency and safety.

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