Đức Nhật Nam Phùng , Duy Ánh Nguyễn , Duy Toàn Lê, Xuân Vinh Đỗ , Quang Vinh Trương

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Objectives: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of cases with a pathological diagnosis of placenta accreta at Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital. Methods: Retrospective descriptive study of over 100 cases diagnosed with placenta accreta and cesarean section at Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital from January 2021 to January 2022. Results: The average maternal age in the study was 34.29 ± 4.56 years old; the most common age group is under 29 years old, accounting for 47.0%; Pregnant women with a history of cesarean section accounted for 92% of the total study subjects, of which the majority were 1 and 2 previous cesarean sections, accounting for 42% and 39%. Bleeding is the most common clinical sign (accounting for 57.0%). The majority of pregnant women have placenta praevia, accounting for 77%. The proportion of pregnant women diagnosed with placenta accreta level II is higher than 71.6%; The rate of placenta accreta level I accounts for 28.4%. Conclusion: Our study records the results of clinical and paraclinical characteristics of pregnant women with dental implants, especially the signs on Doppler ultrasound assessed before surgery, which will contribute to the surgery. Technicians predict the level of difficulty, as well as the possibility of blood loss, in cases of placenta accreta to provide appropriate treatment for each case.

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