Chung Thùy Lynh Phan , Đức Sĩ Trần , Thanh Toàn Lê

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Background: Studying disease pattern at a Family Doctor Clinic can assist healthcare management in developing appropriate strategies to enhance public health prevention and care supply. This includes planning for growth, as well as training the right personnel for each stage. Objectives: Survey of the elderly disease pattern at the Family Doctor Clinic of Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional study, all elderly people coming for examination (primary care) at the Family Doctor Clinic of Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022. Results: The total number of elderly patients who came for medical examination was 4,713 individuals, out of a total of 26,147 visits, accounting for 45.5% of all visits in 2022. Among them, females constituted the majority at 68.9%. The age group most commonly seen was the 65-74 age group, making up 44.8% of the total. The proportion of elderly patients with health insurance was 89.2%. The leading disease categories were diseases of the circulatory system; endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases; diseases of the digestive system; mental and behavioural disorders; diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. Among these, diseases of the circulatory systems were the most prevalent, accounting for 74.5%. The top ten diseases included essential hypertension, disorder of lipoprotein, chronic ischemic heart disease, gastritis and duodenitis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, disorder of vestibular function, arthrosis, anxiety disorders, osteoporosis, and depression. Among these, essential hypertension was the most common, occurring in 69.7% of cases. Conclusion: The disease pattern shows that the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases is most dominant among the elderly population, with conditions such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases as dyslipidemia being among the top 10 ailments. Further, issues related to arthrosis and the mental health of the elderly population require more increased attention.

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