Thu Hiền Trần, Thị Lĩnh Nguyễn

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Objective: To describe the self-care knowledge of COPD patients at outpatient treatment at Nam Dinh General Hospital. Research subjects and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 144 subjects from December 2022 to March 2023. Results: Nearly half of the subjects were found to have the disease due to the exacerbations. 62.5% of subjects were classified at level 3 of 4 disease levels of COPD. The majority of subjects basically understood measures to prevent or avoid recurrence of COPD, specifically 91% of subjects complied with taking medication as prescribed by doctors, 85.4% of subjects were non-smokers and 71.5% of subjects participated in effective breathing exercises. Two-third of the participants had knowledge about scheduled follow-up examinations (66.7%). However, only 49.3% had the correct answers about the correct symptoms of needing to be examined before the appointment. Conclusion: Research has shown that it is necessary to continue to improve knowledge and self-care practices of COPD patients. The contents that need attention are knowledge and practice of using drugs, knowledge and practice of respiratory rehabilitation training techniques.

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