Văn Trân Đoàn, Thanh Sáng Nguyễn

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Background: Hepatolithiasis is common in East Asia. Hepatectomy is considered actually as the best method with high stone clearance and low stone recurrence rate.  Objectives: To evaluate the  long-term results and to propose the indications of this surgical method. Method: Noncontrolled longitudinal interventional study. Results: From 2/2011 to 2/2021, 134 hepatectomies were performed by laparoscopic (33 cases) and  open surgery (101 cases). The mean age was 47.14 (23 -77), 72,38% was female. Hepatolithiasis appeared in the left lobe 61,94%, right lobe: 13,43% and bilateral: 21,6%. 72,38% had bile duct strictures with 57,22%  on the left side, 11.19% on the right side  and 3,73% bilateral and 2.23% at the hilum. We realized 88 left hepatectomies, 15 right hepatectomies, 8 left lobectomies, 2 anterior sectionectomies, 3 posterior sectionectomies, 14 segmentectomies, and 4 bilateral hepatectomies. The immediate postoperative stone clearance rate was 82,83% (Retained stones occurred mostly in bilateral hepatolithiasis). The final stone clearance rate was 98%. The overall complications were 28.6% including: bile leakage 2.4%, liver failure 1.6% and 2 deaths. With a mean follow-up of 65,05 months, recurrent stones developed in 6,74% (6/89 patients) exclusively for bilateral hepatolithiasis. Conclusion: Anatomic liver and biliary lesion resection for intrahepatic stones is an effective treatment for hepatolithiasis, with a high stone clearance and a low stone recurrence rate. Indication of hepatectomy should be carefully considered for high recurrence risk regional hepatolithiasis or for intrahepatic stones associated with liver atrophy or bile-duct lesions.

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