Thi Phú Nguyễn 1, Tích Linh Ngô 1, Trung Nghĩa Trần 1, Thị Minh Châu Phạm 1, Nguyễn Yến Phi Hồ 1, Ngọc Phân Ái 1, Hoàng Thế Huy Lê 1, Thị Thu Sương Nguyễn 1, Xuân Mạnh Bùi 1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Background: insomnia is the most common mental disorder among sleep disorders and is often comorbid with other medical conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the prevalence of mental disorders or other medical diseases in patients with insomnia in Vietnam. Objectives: determine the prevalence of mental disorders and other medical conditions in patients with insomnia. Materials and methods: Study of 412 patients with insomnia disorder who came for examination and treatment for the first time at the Sleep Clinic of MEDIC Medical Center during the research period from June 2022 to October 2022. Results: anxiety disorders are the mental disorders associated with insomnia, accounting for the highest proportion in our study (41.7%), followed by depressive disorders accounting for 17.7% and psychotic disorders. Accompanying accounts for 10.9%. The rate of comorbid neurological diseases in patients with insomnia is highest at 10.7%, followed by cardiovascular diseases (7.8%), and digestive diseases (6.1%).

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