Thành Đạt Lương 1,, Quang Lộc Trần 2,3, Thành Đạt Nguyễn 1, Xuân Trường Tạ 1, Sinh Cung Nguyễn 1, Thanh Tùng Nguyễn 1
1 General Hospital of Agricultural
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
3 Vietduc University Hospital

Main Article Content


Perforated gastric ulcer is a particularly rare cause of peritonitis in children. This is a surgical emergency that, if ignored, can be life-threatening. We report a case of a 10-year-old boy who presented with acute abdominal pain and signs of peritonitis. Laparoscopic surgery revealed a gastric perforation in front of the antrum - pylorus. The patient had the gastric perforation sutured endoscopically with two separate stitches. The patient was stable after surgery, with no postoperative complications.

Article Details


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