Hoàng Thy Nhạc Vũ1,, Trần Thị Ngọc Vân1, Lê Thị Kiều Oanh1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objectives: This study aimed to survey the completeness of the system of health organizations in managing cosmetic products in Vietnam. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out by summarizing all legal documents of central authorities on cosmetics management still in effect at the national level till 01/06/2021. Results: By viewing the legal framework of the current regulations on cosmetics management with 36 legal documents still in effect (2 International treaties, 5 legal documents, 10 Decrees, 2 Consolidation documents, 10 Circulars, and 7 Decisions), it could be seen that health organizations have played management roles in 5 main management areas, including 12 documents regarding cosmetic exporting or importing, 8 documents regarding the cosmetic quality check; 7 documents regarding cosmetic product proclamation; 6 documents regarding cosmetic advertising, and 6 documents regarding cosmetic manufacture. Circular No. 7/VBHN-BYT issued in 2021 and Decision No. 7866/QĐ-BYT issued in 2018 were the most important documents as they involve many different cosmetic management areas. Conclusions: This study provided an overview of the roles of the system of health organizations and its completeness in implementing solutions of the national strategy to protect, care and improve public health.

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