Tố Như Huỳnh1,, Dương Nhựt Tân Võ 1, Thị Thùy Linh Võ 2
1 Tra Vinh University
2 Can Tho Stroke International Services

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Objective: Determine the rate of correct knowledge about safe intravenous injection among nursing students at Tra Vinh University in 2023. Research method: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on 260 nursing students at Tra Vinh University study at Tra Vinh from April to June 2023. Results: the rate of correct knowledge about safe intravenous injection among nursing students at Tra Vinh University is 65,4%. Some knowledge achieved a high rate of correct answers, such as 78,1% of students knowing what to do immediately when anaphylactic shock occurs, 78,5% of students knowing what to do before getting the first antibiotic injection. However, have 56,9% of students know which drugs were contraindicated for intravenous injection, 63,1% of students answered correctly about complications that could occur during the process of injecting drugs into intravenous injection. Conclusion: The rate of correct knowledge about safe intravenous injection among students is relatively high, however, to improve the quality of training and patient care, it is necessary to consolidate and improve students’knowledge during the learning process and go clinical at medical facilities.

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