Thị Phương Thảo Nguyễn 1,, Hồng Ngọc Bùi 2, Trọng Văn Phạm 3, Thị Thu Hiền Nguyễn 2
1 E Hospital
2 Central Eye Hospital
3 Hanoi Medical University

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Purpose: Evaluate the changes in eyelid shape in the group of mild and moderate ptosis who were operated on by external levator aponerosis resection with small incisions. Subjects and methods: Uncontrolled clinical intervention study, a convenience sampling approach, including 25 eyes with mild and moderate blepharoptosis operated on by small incision external levator aponerosis resection at the National Eye Hospital from October 2021 to September 2022, all patients were examined and monitored after 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. Results: 25 eyes of 22 patients including 9 eyes with mild ptosis (36%) and 16 eyes with moderate ptosis (64%), preoperative MRD1 was 1.52 ± 0.63mm, levator muscle function average is 8.76 ± 2.15mm; The average cleft height is 7.4 ± 1.1mm. Three months after surgery, the MRD1 index improved significantly, an average of 3.49± 0.46 mm. The difference in MRD1 between eyes also changed from 1.9mm before surgery to 0.10mm at 3 months after surgery. After 3 months, 100% of patients had no scleral opening when looking down. One patient had mild cleft eyelids at the 1-week follow-up visit, but this condition improved after the 1-month follow-up visit. No patient lost eye-eyelid coordination after surgery. Eyelid slit height also increased, 3 months after surgery reaching 9.44 mm. Before surgery, 40.0% of cases had low eyelash folds of less than 4mm, 36.0% of eyes had average eyelash folds of 4 - 6 mm and 24.0% of eyes had high eyelash folds of over 6 mm in these patients. Acquired ptosis. After surgery 1 month and 3 months, 100% of cases achieved eyelash folds 4-6mm high. 100% of research patients achieved evenly curved eyelashes after surgery, with no cases of deformed eyelashes. All post-operative patients (100%) met the criteria for good eyelid scars, scars were soft and flat, and convexity compared to the skin surface was < 1mm. The above changes in eyelid shape after surgery are all statistically significant with p < 0.05, achieving high aesthetics and patient satisfaction after surgery. Conclusion: The method of external levator aponerosis resection with small incisions to treat mild and moderate ptosis brings good results in both function and aesthetics with changes in eyelid shape, achieving high patient satisfaction after surgery.

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