Thị Hạnh Dung Nguyễn 1, Quốc Tuấn Nguyễn 2,, Thị Cẩm Nhung Trần 3
1 Dong Thap General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Can Tho Stroke International Services

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Background: Abortion on a normal pregnant woman has many complications, so abortion on a over 35 years old pregnant woman needs to be given proper attention. Objectives: Description of clinical, subclinical, factors related to abortion behavior and evaluation effectiveness of medical abortion in pregnant women over 35 years old at Dong Thap General Hospital. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study includes 70 pregnant women over 35 years old with medical abortion up to 12 weeks at Dong Thap General Hospital. Results: Mean age 39.22±3.38. Most pregnant women already have 1-2 children (74.3%). 16 pregnant women who have more than 3 children. 14/70 pregnant women have more than 2 cesarean sections. Gestational age on ultrasound is 5-9 weeks (92.9%). The success rate was 92.9% with 65/70 cases. 5 cases of failure due to placental retention. The mean bleeding time was 7,42 ± 3.51 days. Side effects of oral misoprostol: 8.5 % nausea/vomiting, 22.8% diarrhea, 17.1% chill, 4.2% fever, 6.1% dizziness. Conclusion: It is necessary to further promote the use of contraceptives to all women, especially women over 35 years old. The success rate of medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol in pregnant women over 35 years old is quite high and there are few dangerous side effects.

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