Quang Trung Võ 1, Hoàng Duy Đặng 2, Văn Pol Nguyễn1, Thị Thanh Hiền Trần 2, Thị Huyền Trâm Nguyễn 2,3,
1 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City
2 Vietnam National University HCMC
3 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Main Article Content


Background: Blood donation is a practical humanitarian activity, as blood can only be received when someone donates blood. In particular, healthcare students are a potential force for a safe and stable reserve of donated blood, a force capable of providing information on blood donation and mobilizing people to participate in blood donation. Objective: This study was aimed at surveying the knowledge of student’s health toward carrying out blood donation in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2023. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study involving 780 student’s health was conducted in February 2023. Results: Among 780 students participating in the survey, 70.8% of students have donated blood. The Chi-square/Fisher test shows that there is a significant relationship between blood donation practice and gender (p=0.001), majors and levels (p<0.05), religions (p=0.016), personal income and the need for blood transfusion in the family (p=0.05). The survey on motivation to donate blood found that 85.5% of motivation came from donating blood to help family and friends. Students who did not donate blood reported that the main reason for not participating in blood donation was fear of pain (46.1%). Conclusion: Healthcare students have a positive attitude towards blood donation practice, but there are still many barriers and misconceptions that can negatively affect students' motivation to practice blood donation.

Article Details


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