Hoàng Vũ 1,, Thị Dung Đào 1, Dương Hiếu Phạm 1, Văn Tường Lưu1, Thị Ngọc Ánh Phạm 2, Mạnh Dân Vũ 3
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Thai Binh General Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH), a permanent first molars and incisors mineralization deficiency, is an increasingly concerning issue. Children affected by MIH may face numerous risks both functionally and aesthetically if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Objective: To determine the prevalence and distribution of MIH among 7-10-year-old pupils in Lao Cai city. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on 1808 students, diagnosing MIH according to European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria. Results: 173 students were diagnosed with MIH, accounting for 9.6% prevalence, with severe cases comprising 57.8% of the total study population. Conclusion: The prevalence of MIH in Lao Cai city is 9.6%, with a high proportion of severe cases.

Article Details


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