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1 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objective: To study the prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety in individuals with chronic low back pain caused by lumbar degeneration. Metarials and method: Cross sectional study was conducted with sample size of 40 patients with chronic low back pain caused by lumbar degeneration. The prevalence of anxiety and depression among patients was studied by using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: The study included 40 patients with the mean age of patients was 61.7 years with standard deviation of 8.6. Out of 40 there were 15 (37.5%) men and 25 (62.5%) women in the study sample. The mean duration of symptoms was 2.4 years with a minimum of 1 year and maximum of 4 years. The study found abnormal levels of anxiety and depression among patients with 65% and 55% for anxiety and depression respectively. 27.5% and 30% were Borderline abnormal for anxiety and depression and 37.5% and 25% were abnormal for anxiety and depression as per HADS scale. Conclusion: In patients with with chronic low back pain caused by lumbar degeneration, the psychological factors are important, as patients with with chronic low back pain caused by lumbar degeneration are at risk of experiencing anxiety and depression.

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