Thanh Bình Nguyễn 1,2,, Thanh Bình Nguyễn2, Thị Thanh Bình Nguyễn 2, Thị Ngọc Lê 2, Ngọc Ánh Nguyễn 2, Thị Ánh Nguyệt Nguyễn 2, Quý Phong Nguyễn 2, Thị Phương Anh Nguyễn 2, Lê Hương Nguyễn 2, Minh Hiền Lê 2, Hải Yến Lương 2, Trung Anh Nguyễn 2, Mai Phương Hoàng 1,2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Geriatric Hospital

Main Article Content


Purposes: Analyze cognitive characteristics of elderly people coming for examination and treatment at the National Geriatric Hospital. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive method on 473 patients aged 50 years and over who were examined and treated at the National Geriatric Hospital from September 5 to September 30, 2023. All patients were asked about their illness and had a mini-mental state evaluation (MMSE) test. Results: Among 473 elderly people screened, the rate of dementia was 29.2%, of which the rate of mild dementia was 12.3%, moderate dementia was 14,4% and severe dementia was 2,5%. Among the cognitive fields, 85.8% of patients have word recall disorders, 48.8% have time orientation disorders, 45.7% have attention disorders and 35.3% had a decline in the ability to redraw shapes. There is a relationship between age and education level with the incidence of dementia. Conclusions: Elderly people who come for examination and inpatient treatment at the Central Geriatric Hospital have a quite high rate of cognitive decline. The main cognitive functions that are impaired are memory, orientation and attention.

Article Details


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