Thị Phương Thảo Nguyễn 1,, Văn Minh Lâm 2, Hồng Minh Anh Trịnh 1, Nhật Trường Đào 1
1 Dong Nai Technology University
2 Cho Ray Hospital

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Background: Blood transfusions and blood products help save millions of lives each year, enabling patients with life-threatening illnesses to sustain life and improve their quality of life. Voluntary blood donation is one of the noblest gestures, an act that demonstrates high humanistic values. In some provinces, the amount of blood received is much lower than the treatment demand, and the rate of blood donation from the public is still very modest. This significantly affects emergency care, treatment, and even threatens the lives of patients. On the other hand, the golden age for blood donation is students, but the number of students participating in voluntary blood donation is still limited. Moreover, their voluntary blood donation behavior is primarily driven by motives that have not been thoroughly and systematically researched. Objectives: Cross-sectional design describes an analysis of the entire regular students currently enrolled at Dong Nai University of Technology in 2024. Materials and methods: The cross-sectional design includes an analysis of over 93 first-year and final-year undergraduate students majoring in health sciences at Dong Nai University in 2022. Results: Among the 1156 regular students at Dong Nai University of Technology who participated in the study, the rate of those who donated blood voluntarily two or more times was 68.23%, and there were 15.31% of students who only went once and then did not go again. The motive for students' humanitarian blood donation for the lives of patients in severe shortage was the highest at 100%; Additionally, the reasons for embellishing personal records and being recognized as charitable while also receiving money were nearly equal, at 98.36% and 97.23%, respectively. This also explains why students always want the best on their CVs when applying for jobs; or it matches the age of students who are financially challenged. Conclusion: Engine; Voluntary blood donation; Student; Dong Nai University of Technology.

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