Công Hùng Đào 1, Hồng Quang Lê 1, Văn Đếm Phạm 2,3,
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital
2 Bach Mai Hospital
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Objective: Describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics and the results of patent ductus arteriosus ligation treatment in premature infants at the Vietnam National Children's Hospital. Methods. In our study, the majority were very premature children (35%), the weight of 1000-1499 grams had the highest reasonable use (42.5%), the average weight at surgery: 1528g ± 600g. Average age at magic: 18.3± 9 days old. On Doppler echocardiography: most patients have large ductus arteriosus, with left to right shunt. No patient died. All patients had no residual shunt after surgery. Clinical and subclinical indicators improved after surgery: Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean blood pressure increased with statistical significance. Left atrial diameter, aortic diameter, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter and left atrial/aortic index all decreased with statistical significance. Conclusions: Over 80% of premature infants with congenital heart defects were treated by ductus arteriosus surgical ligation had heart failure and require respiratory support. No patient died, linical and paraclinical indicators improved after surgery.

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