Thị Ngọc Hân Đoàn 1, Thy Nhạc Vũ Hoàng 2,, Đỗ Hồng Nhung Nguyễn 2, Minh Luân Kang 1, Thị Diễm Tuyết Hoàng 1
1 Hùng Vương Hospital in HCM City
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

Main Article Content


Objectives: The study aimed to analyze the usage of hormone - contraceptive for outpatient treatment at Hung Vuong Hospital in 2023. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted through retrospective data on the structure of hormone-contraceptive drug prescribed at Hung Vuong Hospital in 2023. Data was compiled, processed, and further analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Power BI. Results: Among the 137 active ingredients used in outpatient treatment at Hung Vuong Hospital in 2023, 28 active ingredients (20,4%) were categorized in the hormone- contraceptive group, accounting for 34,4% of total medical cost. The group of hormone - contraceptive for outpatient treatment was divided into four subgroups: Androgen-estrogen-progesterone preparations (13 active ingredients); Gonadotropic endocrine group for infertility treatment (9 active ingredients), Adrenal hormones and replacement compounds (4 active ingredients), Insulin group, hypoglycemic drugs (2 active ingredients).  The highest medical cost was attributed to 2 subgroups: the gonadotropin hormone and the androgen-estrogen-progesterone (55,1% and 43,5%, respectively). 24 single-active ingredients and 22 generic ingredients accounted for 85,7% and 78.6%, respectively. All of drug prescriptions including hormone - contraceptive were consistent with the diagnosis, treatment instructions and disease structure at the hospital. Conclusion: The study offered insight into the characteristics, medical costs, frequency of use and appropriateness of drug prescription of hormones – contraceptives for outpatient treatment at Hung Vuong Hospital in 2023. Those findings can support the hospital managers in decision-making related to administrative activities, budget allocation for specialized operations.

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