Văn An Nguyễn 1,, Mạnh Hùng Ngô 1
1 Nam Dinh General Hospital

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Objective: Assess the result of the microsurgical treatment of low-grade brain ateriovenous malformations. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study of 65 patients with low-grade brain AVMs suffering microsurgery at the center of Neurosurgery in Viet Duc Hospital from 01/01/2017 – 30/04/2022. Results: The mean age at diagnosis was 34,5 ± 16,6. Male to female ratio: 1,24. Patients with ruptured AVM account for 58,5%. Patients with preoperative adjuvant treatment account for 16,9%. There are 3 surgial approaches applied to patients, including: hematoma evacuation, external ventricular drainage (EVD) and AVM resection, accounting for 52,3%; 9,2% and 100% respectively. No cases with postoperative residual AVMs. No patients with recurrence of AVM. Intra – and post- operative complications account for 1,5% and 7,7% respectively. The average follow-up time:  37,8 ± 16,1 (months); average mRS: 0,60 ± 0,86 with a statistically significant reduction of mRS compared to preoperative one (1,60 ± 1,23) with p-value < 0,001. Conclusions: Surgery to remove AVM is an effective and safe approach for patients with Spetzler – Martin I and II grade AVM.

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