Nam Hải Ngô, Hồng Trường Nguyễn, Trần Hưng Hà

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Objective: to evaluate the characteristics of patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) treated at the Department of Medical Intensive Care and Poison Control (MICU) of Vinh City General Hospital. Subjects and methods: Prospective observational study on 60 patients with AKI according to KDIGO criteria admitted to the MICU from March 2023 to February 2024. Results: During the study period, there were 60 patients meeting the include criteria. The average age was 72 ± 14.7 (38-97) years old, and the age group > 60 accounted for the majority (80%). The proportion of patients with underlying diseases was rather high (85%). Characteristics of patients with acute kidney injury were: AKI was common developed in the elderly patient (80% the patients > 60 years old). The most common cause was sepsis (71.6%), of which up to 36.6% of patients developed septic shock. AKI often occurred in the setting of multiple organ failure, in which 55% of patients presented 2 or more failed organs. Clinically, common symptoms included edema (13.3%), oliguria-anuria (21.7%), hypotension <90/60 mmHg (36.7%), and hypovolemia (76.7%). Common complications in AKI patients were coma (6.7%), respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation (10%), and bleeding disorders (6.7%). Conclusions: The study revealed the characteristics of causes, clinical manifestations and complications of patients with acute kidney injury treated at the Department of Medical Intensive Care and Poison Control of Vinh City General Hospital.

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