Thái Hà Trần, Thị Phong Lan Trần, Quang Dụ Mai

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Sciatica is a common clinical disease, manifested mainly by pathology of the lumbar spine and pathology of the nerve roots. In most cases, sciatica is usually benign disease and usually not life-threatening. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with sciatica with rheumatoid cold and rheumatoid wind and cold combined with kidney and kidney treatment treated as outpatients at the Central Traditional Medicine Hospital. Research objects and methods: prospective study; Sample size includes 40 patients. Results: The average age of the patients was 59.8 ± 15.39 years old. Patients participating in the study were 62.5% female and 37.5% male. The prevalance of patients who have a disease duration more than 6 months is the highest, accounting for 47.5%. The average VAS is 5.33 ± 1.05 points, the fingertip – to – floor test is 25.93 ± 6.31 (cm), The average angle of the SLT is 55.13 ± 13.55 (degrees). Conclusions: Patients with sciatica for outpatient treatment at the Central Traditional Medicine hospital almost are female, approximately 60 years old, most of whom are mentally labored, the disease duration is more than 6 months. The most common clinical symptoms are pain and restriction of movement in lumbar spine area.

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