Thị Mai Nguyễn, Văn Minh Hoàng, Văn Nho Lê

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Background    and    objectives: Health service provision in 2019 - 2021 with many environmental and social changes that changed disease patterns, especially the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic, has been seriously affected. Analyzing the cost structure of medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance at medical examination and treatment establishments helps the social insurance management agency manage and operate the health insurance fund. Objective: to describe the cost structure of medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance at Lien Chieu District Medical Center in 2019 - 2021. Methods:  All data of patients receiving medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance from 2019 to 2021 at the health center of Lien Chieu district were observed. Results: Total expenditure on health insurance decreased sharply within 3 years, in which the rate of inpatient treatment also decreased by a large proportion. The structure of total health insurance expenditure for respiratory diseases is always the disease that accounts for the highest proportion of total expenditure, although there has been a sharp decrease in 2019 to 2021 Infections and parasites accounted for the second highest rate in 2019 and in the highest group during the following years due to the impact of the dengue epidemic. The cost of drugs, blood, and intravenous fluids is increasing every year, the highest proportion is 39.9% in 2021. Summary: The change in total expenditure, disease groups, within 3 years is evidence of the impact of diseases (COVID-19, dengue fever) affecting health care activities at Lien Chieu health center.

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