Thành Chung Nguyễn, Thị Nhàn Nguyễn, Thị Huyền Vũ, Ngọc Mai Lương, Thị Quỳnh Dương

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Work-related stress, anxiety, and depression are a common problem in healthcare workers, especially nurses. Patients' demands for service quality at hospitals are increasingly high, increasing work pressure for nurses, especially nurses working directly in clinical departments. These are the people who directly monitor and care for patients, often facing many risks of stress such as night shifts and disease transmission. Clinical nurses are under a lot of physical and mental pressure. Every day, nurses are exposed to potentially stressful situations, including high workloads, patient overload, critically ill patients, irregular shifts, and changing working hours. directly affects the physical and mental health of nurses. That's why clinical nurses are at much higher risk of stress than other medical staff, as well as many other professions.

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