Quang Huy Nguyễn, Đặng Đăng Khoa Hồ, Văn Sóng Trần, Thanh Trung Phạm

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Aims: To evaluate early results of surgical treatment of duodenal injuries. Subjects and methods: Retrospective review of patients with duodenal injuries operated at 115 People’s Hospital between January 2019 and September 2023. Results: There were 16 patients including 13 males and 3 females with the mean age of 47 years (range 25 – 88 years). 11 lesions due to traffic accidents and 5 due to occupational accidents. Computed tomography detect Computed tomography helps detected duodenal wall hematoma (18,8%), duodenal rupture (6,3%), free abdominal air and retroperitoneal air (81,3%), and free fluid abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal fluid 81,3%. Duodenal lesions D1 12,5%, D2 62,5%, D3 12,5%, D4 6,3%, D3 and D4 had 1 case. Grade I injury (0%), grade II (75%), grade III (12,5%), grade IV (6,3%), grade V (6,3%). 68,8% duodenal rupture repaired, 12,5% duodenal resection with Roux-en-Y anastomosis, 6,3% repaired with serosal patch technique, 6.3% Whipple’s procedure. 93,8% duodenal de-compression. 50% postoperative complications: toxic septic shock 25%, surgical wound infection 18,8%, anastomotic leak 6,3%. The average post- operative hospital stay was 10 ± 6.77 days. The mortality rate is 31.3%. Conclusions: Duodenal injuries are very serious, often in the setting of polytrauma. Relatively complex surgery varies with the level of duodenal damage.

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