Đức Minh Nguyễn, Thị Biên Trần

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Objective: to describe the current status of compliance with surgical wound infection prevention measures among staff of Tam Anh General Hospital in 2023 and identifying factors affecting practices are still not good. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Results: Most regulations on entering and exiting the surgical area reached over 95%, however, compliance with hand hygiene when leaving the surgical area just 54.4%; patient preparation before surgery precedures adherence reached over 95%; the rate of surgical field disinfection got 94%, other surgical compliance measures were still limited, just 60.2% surgical hand hygiene compliance and use prophylactic antibiotics as prescribed was only 54.4%. Logistic regression analysis shows that health care worker gender, position, department affect to the compliance of practices which still not good. Conclusions: Research shows that the department's perspective and the surgeon's attitude play an important role in compliance with SSI prevention. There needs to be consensus from the department as well as strict sanctions and supervision to increase compliance rates.

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