Hoàng Bắc Nguyễn , Văn Tấn Phạm , Văn Hùng Trần, Thị Phương Linh Huỳnh, Ngọc Thùy Trang Đoàn , Minh Lan Nguyễn , Thị Long Phụng Trần

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Objectives: Inpatient experience is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in health care with every healthcare facility. In a socialist-oriented market mechanism like Vietnam today, in order to improve quality and differentiate itself from competitors with advantages, hospitals should enhance service quality, which requires research about patient experience. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional design from 474 inpatients at 19 Departments at University Medical Center HCMC (UMC). The assessment questionnaire is taken from the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City using a 5-point Likert scale. Patient experience is standardized into two levels: good and bad experience. Stata 14.0 analysis with significance is α=0.05. Result: Research inpatients: 57.6% female, nearly 67% from provinces outside Ho Chi Minh City, over 75% aged 36 or older, 87% with junior school education or higher, 88.2% used medical insurance. Good inpatient experience rate at UMC in 2022: 93.9%. Gender and education influenced experience (p<0.05). Males had  a good experience rate than females (OR = 1.05; 95%CI 1.001-1.10, p<0.05). Higher education (intermediate school, college, university) had a good experience rate than primary school education or less (OR = 0.92, p=0.019). Conclusion: Improving and enhancing service quality in pre-admission and discharge activities helps improve internal turnover at the hospital, increasing trust and reputation of the hospital

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