Thị Là Vũ, Thị Huệ Nguyễn

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Objectives: This study aimed to examine the level of compliance with surgical safety checklist for patients healthcare workers at Thanh Mien District medical center of Hai Duong province in 2022. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted on 245 patients undergoing elective and emergency surgery from May 1st 2022 to December 1st 2022 by direct observations. Data was collected using the surgical safety checklist developed by World Health Organization, with 3 sections (24 items, as follows: before induction of anesthesia (9 items), before skin incision (10 items), before patient leaves operating room (5 items). Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: The results indicated that indicating a significant rate of compliance in the most of content. However, there are still contents that are not well followed such as: In the pre-anesthesia stage, 32.7% did not prepare the surgical area; 46% of patients have not had the surgical site marked. In the stage before skin incision, 40.8% of patients did not receive prophylactic antibiotics 30 minutes before surgery; 100% of surgical members did not introduce their names and duties; 70.2% did not predict surgery time. At the stage before leaving the operating room, 100% of patient samples were not labeled.

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