Thị Trang Lê , Thanh Thành Pham, Ngọc Phương Bình Trương

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Objectives: Describe the quality of life of patients being replaced with methadone and identify some factors related to the quality of life of the patient being replaced with methadone in Binh Thuan province in 2023. Subjects and methods: The patient is being replaced with methadone in Binh Thuan province, the study describes cross -section. Results: The CLCS average of the patient replaced with methadone after converted to a scale of 0-100 (according to WHO instructions) is 66.0 ± 10.1 points; Patients with families with CLCS are 10.4 points better than single or divorced or widowed patients, 95%CI = 8.2 - 12.6 points; Patients who have not used drugs in the past month have CLCS higher than 11.3 points compared to patients using drugs, 95% CI = 9.3 - 13.2 points; The patient has a replacement treatment time with methadone ≥ 1 year with a CLCS score higher than 14.5 points compared to the patient who has a treatment period of less than 1 year, 95%CI = 12.8 - 16.1 points; The patient has not removed the dose of treatment in the past 3 months with ClCS 5.6 points higher than the patient abandoned the dose, 95%CI = 3.0 -8.0 points. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop a personal treatment plan such as detoxification, pharmaceutical therapy and psychotherapy in order to reduce the dependence on drugs of the patient, introduce to support the patient to find a job Enter with the community, strengthen propaganda against the harmful effects of drugs, mobilize patients to treat early

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