Ngọc Sơn Trần, Văn Quyết Trần, Thị Kim Anh Ngô, Thị Hồng Nhân Nguyễn , Thị Vân Anh Lê , Thị Kim Dung Phan, Hiển Thanh Nguyễn , Thị Thu Hương Ngô

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Objective: Among 174 children examined for puberty problems at Saint Paul General Hospital, There were 43 children diagnosed with precocious puberty and 131 children of the same age and sex who had not yet had puberty were the control group. Method: Using a case-control study method to identify related factors. Results: The most common age of diagnosis for precocious puberty (PP) is 7-8 years old, accounting for 62.8%. The percentage of girls with PP is 95.4%, while boys account for 4.6%. Exclusive breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of PP. Overweight and obese children have a 0.61 times likelihood of developing PP. children who frequently consume milk and dairy products, and those with the habit of eating sweets before bed, have risks of early puberty of 0.66, 0.41, and 1.87 times, respectively. Children who consume fast food have a 0.18 times risk of developing early puberty compared to those without this habit. Children with PP due to being overweight and obese constitute 38,7% and 10,8%, respectively. Conclusion: Nutrition and eating habits are related to early puberty in children. It is recommended that parents actively prevent risk factors and detect early signs to seek medical consultation, which can help prevent early puberty in children.

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