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Dengue hemorrhagic fever, a severe acute infectious illness caused by the Dengue virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, poses significant public health concerns, potentially leading to fatal outcomes. Method: This cross-sectional study conducted at Soc Son General Hospital from January to December 2023 aimed to evaluate the prevalence and demographic characteristics of Dengue fever among patients. Results: Out of 1971 individuals tested, 23.1% (n=455) tested positive for Dengue fever. Male patients represented 59.8% of positive cases, while females comprised 40.2%. The likelihood of Dengue fever was notably higher among males compared to females (OR=1.41; 95%CI 1.13 - 1.76; p<0.01). The highest prevalence occurred within the 19-39 age group, constituting 35.2% of cases. Moreover, the risk of contracting Dengue fever was significantly elevated in Soc Son district communes compared to urban areas (OR=1.94; 95%CI 1.13 - 3.33; p=0.016). Seasonal patterns were evident, with the peak incidence observed in October at 36.7% (165/450). Conclusions: Overall, the study indicates a moderate level of Dengue fever cases at Soc Son General Hospital in 2023, with cases dispersed across age groups but concentrated among the primary working-age population in the district. Men exhibited a higher vulnerability to the disease than women. This underscores the necessity for proactive disease prevention measures and adequate allocation of healthcare resources to effectively manage outbreaks, particularly during peak epidemic periods.
Article Details
Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Soc Son general hospital
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