Văn Toàn Mai, Phi Hùng Vũ, Hồng Anh Bùi, Hồng Nam Bùi

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Objectives: To survey on non-dipper hypertension in patients with primary hypertension. Methods: Descriptive study through cross-sectional survey. Results: The overall rate of non-dipper hypertension was 84.4%. In the study, the age group with non-dipper hypertension accounted for the highest proportion, which was the age group 60 - 69 years old (35.7%). The incidence of non-dipper hypertension in patients using only blood pressure medication in the morning is 85.8%, occurring more frequently in patients using only 1 type of blood pressure medication (50%). The rate of non-dipper hypertension appears in women more than men (62.5%). Conclusions: The overall rate of non-dipper hypertension in patients with primary hypertension is quite high (84.4%). In our study, the rate of non-dipper hypertension appeared more in women (62.5%), using only 1 type of blood pressure medication (50%), BMI < 25, only taking medication in the morning (85,8%).

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