Hồng Hà Nguyễn , Việt Dũng Pham, Đình Đề Vũ, Thị Thanh Nguyễn

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Objectives: To describe some epidemiological characteristics of NF1 neurofibromatosis patients treated at Viet Duc University Hospital. Subjects of study: All patients diagnosed with neurofibromatosis with the results of pathology are neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) came for examination and treatment at the Department of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Viet Duc University Hospital from 01/2008 to 12/2021. Objects and Methods: descriptive and prospective studies. Results: Total 128 patients, mean age of patients is 26.43 ± 15.79 years old; the lowest age is 1 years old, the highest is 73. Male/female ratio = 1.39/1. Tumor of head, face and neck (38.28%); lower expenditure (26.56%); body (17.97%); upper expenditure (14.84%); whole body (10.94%); genitals (1.56%). Conclusions: Neurofibromatosis is a disease with no specific treatment, early detection, regular progress monitoring, timely surgical treatment is the best way to help patients reduce the adverse effects caused by neurofibromatosis.

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