Phi Long Lê, Thị Ngọc Thủy Nguyễn

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The study aimed to evaluate the results of treatment in deep venous thrombosis with indications for endovascular intervention, performed at one center, with a 12-month follow-up period. There were 71 cases included from January 2018 to August 2022, which were received catheter directed thrombolysis with/without percutaneous thrombectomy, balloon dilation and stent placement for iliac vein reconstruction. The results showed that the technical success rate reached 97.2%, the thrombolysis rate reached 90,2%, with no serious complications. The treatment method has been shown to be effective in improving clinical symptoms, the patency rate after 12 months was 86.7%, the overall rate of post-thrombotic syndrome was 21.1%, and the majority of this syndrome were at mild level. Intravascular thrombolysis with/without aspiration, balloon angioplasty and stent placement to repair iliac vein occlusion lesions have been shown to be effective and safe, and can be applied in the treatment of venous thrombo-embolism.

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