Thị Hải Yến Nguyễn, Minh Cương Hoàng, Thị Hồng Hải Bàng, Trần Doanh Vi

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Objective: Describe some clinical and paraclinical characteristics of patients with esophageal cancer at the Oncology Center - Thai Nguyen Central Hospital in 2022. Methods: A descriptive retrospective combined prospective study on 40 patients with Esophageal cancer newly diagnosed at the Oncology Center from January 2023 to December 2023. Record information about some clinical and paraclinical characteristics. Results: Most common age: ≥ 60, accounting for 57,5%, the male/ female ratio was 39/1, the main reason for admission was choking for 72.5%. The general condition index of patients is PS 0 - 1 mainly (92.5%). Most tumors were ulcerated masses (70%). 50% had middle-third tumors.The mean length of tumor is 56,8±34,4mm, the mean thickness of tumor is 14,0±4,7mm. 57,2% patients have regional lymph nodes.

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