Hải Yến Hoàng, Thị Bình Lưu

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Aim: Describe the characteristics and relationship of kidney complications in chronic gout patients treated at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital. Subjects  and  methods: Descriptive study of 107 patients diagnosed with gout according to EULAR/ACR 2015 criteria with kidney damage and/or chronic kidney disease being treated at the musculoskeletal department - Central Hospital. Thai Nguyen from August 2022 to March 2023. Result: Glomerular filtration rate in study subjects: ≥ 60ml/min/1.73 m² accounting for 58.9% and < 60ml/min/1.73 m² accounting for 41.1%. Among them, 44.9% have stage II chronic kidney disease, 36.4% have stage III chronic kidney disease, and only 4.7% have stage IV chronic kidney disease. There were 35.5% of patients with anemia and 43.0% of patients with increased blood creatinine and 76.6% of patients with increased blood uric acid. The rates of proteinuria, hematuria, proteinuria and/or  hematuria positive were 40.2%, 24.3% and 48.6%, respectively. The rate of chronic gout patients with kidney stones was 9.3%, and abnormal kidney morphology was 4.6%. There was a difference between age, gender and chronic kidney disease in the study subjects with p < 0.05. There is a difference between inflammatory episodes/year and chronic kidney disease (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The most common kidney complication in chronic gout patients is stage II and III chronic kidney disease. There are differences between age, gender and chronic kidney disease in research subjects. There is a statistically significant difference between inflammatory episodes/year of gout and chronic kidney disease patients.

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