Thị Thu Thủy Nguyễn, Huy Lượng Vũ, Thị Hà Vinh Nguyễn, Huyền My Lê, Quỳnh Hoa Phạm, Văn Thạo Tạ, Văn An Nguyễn, Hạ Long Hải Lê

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a significant opportunistic pathogen known for causing a variety of infections, including those acquired in hospital settings. Its substantial antibiotic resistance poses challenges to effective treatment. Method: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the distribution patterns and antibiotic resistance profiles of P. aeruginosa strains isolated at Bac Giang province general hospital in 2023. Results: Of the 162 pathogenic P. aeruginosa strains isolated during the study period, a majority were obtained from respiratory (59.9%) and urine (26.5%) specimens. Notably, higher isolation rates were observed among patients aged 60 years and older (58.7%), those receiving treatment in intensive care units (59.9%), and male patients (78.4%). Antibiotic susceptibility testing showed varying resistance levels among the isolated strains. Colistin exhibited the lowest resistance rate (6.1%), followed by Ceftazidime-Avibactam (33.5%), whereas Ciprofloxacin showed the highest resistance rate (67.7%). Piperacillin-Tazobactam (58.6%), Aztreonam (55.6%), Ceftazidime (59.3%), Cefepime (60.5%), Imipenem (65.4%), Meropenem (64.2%), and Levofloxacin (66.4%) demonstrated moderate to high resistance rates. Conclusion: Distribution patterns of P. aeruginosa were associated with factors such as age, specimen type, departments, and sex gender. Colistin and Ceftazidime-Avibactam are potential treatment options for P. aeruginosa infections based on their lower resistance rates. These findings underscore the importance of continued surveillance and judicious antibiotic use in managing infections caused by P. aeruginosa

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