Xuân Loan Kim, Tấn Đạt Huỳnh, Thị Khánh Chi Nguyễn, Châu Giang Vũ, Ý Lan Võ , Trần Trọng Bình Võ , Văn Dũng Đỗ, Xuân Dũng Phạm

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The psychosocial support needs of breast cancer patients need to be addressed during treatment to improve mental health, quality of life, and survival rates. This study describes the proportion of psychosocial support needs assessed at varying levels of importance in breast cancer patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 212 breast cancer patients undergoing treatment at Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital using stratified sampling across treatment departments. The research instrument was a structured questionnaire with an outcome measure scale for psychosocial support needs, the Psychosocial Need Inventory (PNI). Results on psychosocial support needs indicated that three items were rated with a score of 4, corresponding to "important," or 5, "very important," by breast cancer patients. These needs were primarily related to medical staff, information, and assistance. Emotional, self-related, and practical needs were rated as important but with lower scores

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