Mai Phương Trần, Thị Nhung Vũ

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Objective: Evaluate changes in women's sexual function and related factors before and after total hysterectomy to preserve the ovaries due to benign pathology at Tu Du Hospital. Method: Prospective longitudinal descriptive study design surveyed 320 premenopausal women aged 30 - 49 years old who were indicated for total hysterectomy leaving one or two ovaries due to benign uterine pathology. Results: The proportion of patients with sexual dysfunction according to the cutoff point of the FSFI scale: before surgery was 90.6%, (95% CI: 87.4 - 93.8) and after surgery was 91. 9%, (95% CI: 88.9 - 94.9), the difference is statistically significant (p<0.001). The overall rate of patients with decreased sexual function after surgery is 57.2%, (95% CI: 69.9 - 79.5). Determining whether a patient has decreased sexual function after surgery or not is based on the effect of sexual dysfunction. number between 2 “after – before” FSFI scores. Results: the proportion of patients with decreased CNTD after surgery was 183/320 patients (57.2%: 95% CI: 69.9-79.5). Conclusion: All types of FSFI have changes in sexual function after surgery compared to before surgery, so counseling related to sex after surgery is a necessary part.

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