Minh Hoàng Gia Phạm, Đỗ Thanh Phong Trần, Kim Phụng Trang

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Objective: Evaluate the results of treatment of respiratory failure in newborns at Hau Giang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital. Method: cross-sectional study design, using retrospective data on 133 newborn patients diagnosed with neonatal respiratory failure treated at Hau Giang Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in 2023. Results: Regarding the gender of children with neonatal respiratory failure, boys were 51.8% and girls were 48.2%. The most common cause of respiratory failure is hyaline membrane disease, accounting for 57.1%. The rate of premature babies is 59.1% and the rate of low birth weight babies is 40.9%. Classification according to the Silveman scale shows that the rate of mild respiratory failure is 61.3% and the rate of severe respiratory failure is 38.7%. Factors related to severe respiratory failure are low birth weight and birth order (p<0.05). The hospital discharge rate is 81% and the referral rate is 19%. Factors associated with referral are Severe respiratory failure with odds ratio OR =7.88 times (95% CI: 2.9 - 12.3), and SpO2 at admission <90% with odds ratio OR = 4.13 (95% CI: 1.69 - 10.08). The difference between groups is statistically significant with p < 0.001. Conclusion: Hyaline membrane disease is the most common cause of neonatal respiratory failure. Factors related to the severity of respiratory failure are low birth weight, birth order, maternal age, and other factors. Related to treatment results are Silverman score >5 and SpO2<90%.

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