Somaly Rath, Quang Huy Dương, Đức Tiến Đào

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Objective: To investigate the risk of malnutrition in cirrhotic patients using the Royal Free Hospital Nutritional Prioritizing Tool (RFH-NPT). Subjects and methods: Prospective, cross-sectional description of 101 cirrhosis patients treated at the Gastroenterology Department - Military Hospital 103. Evaluate the risk of malnutrition using the RFH-NPT score, compared with the severity of  liver failure and some complications. Results: 66.4% of cirrhosis patients were at high malnutrition risk, while the low risk rate was only 17.8%. Cirrhosis patients at high malnutrition risk are mainly found in the group of patients with Child-Pugh B and C cirrhosis (44.8% and 47.8%, respectively) and cirrhosis with complications. Conclusion: The risk of malnutrition is quite common in cirrhosis patients and is related to the severity of liver failure and complications of the disease

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