Thị Xuân Thảo Phạm, Lê Thị Thành Nam Trần, Tất Bằng Hồ, Minh Tấn Nguyễn, Thảo Cường Lâm, Thị Thiên Nga Lê, Thị Thanh Trúc Nguyễn, ThanhVỹ Trần

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Objectives: Survey on knowledge of health impacts of smoking and intentions to quit smoking in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). Methods: A cross-sectional study, conducted on 47 patients, the study was carried out from February 2024 to May 2024. Data was collected through interviews using a predefined questionnaire. Results: The gender ratio of males to females is 3:1. The age group of 65-70 years old accounts for the highest proportion, at 40.43%. The average knowledge score of patients with PAD regarding the health impacts of smoking is 2.68 out of 8 points. The average knowledge score of patients with PAD regarding the vascular impacts of smoking is 1.57 out of 4 points. Among the 18 cases of smoking, 83.33% of patients intend to quit smoking. Conclusion: The average knowledge score regarding the health impacts of smoking among patients is still at a low level, yet the number of patients intending to quit smoking is quite high. Implementing solutions to disseminate and raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking to the public is crucial. Healthcare professionals should consistently encourage and support patients in actively quitting smoking

Article Details


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