Thị Thùy Linh Võ , Tố Như Huỳnh, Nguyễn Tường Vi Ngô

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Objective: Determining the rate of correct knowledge on prevention and early detection of breast cancer among female students at Tra Vinh University in 2023. Research method: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on 371 female students at Tra Vinh University in 2023. Results: 17,3% of female students had general knowledge about breast cancer prevention, 16,7% of students answered correctly about risk factors for breast cancer, and 65% of students had correct knowledge about cancer. There is no vaccine to prevent breast cancer, 31,8% of female students have correct knowledge about the signs of breast cancer, 31% of students have knowledge about breast cancer prevention measures. Regarding the breast self-examination method, only 33.7% of female students responded that they knew the breast self-examination method. Only 38.3% of female students participating in the survey knew about mammograms. Conclusion: The rate of correct knowledge on prevention and early detection of breast cancer among female students at Tra Vinh University is relatively low, timely intervention measures are needed to contribute to breast cancer prevention in this group. this object.

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