Đỗ Ngọc Trâm Trần, Văn Bình Hồ, Tuấn Cảnh Nguyễn, Đỗ Thanh Phong Trần, Hoàng Anh Trần

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Objective: The study aims to: Describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of acute appendicitis in the elderly treated at Can Tho Central General Hospital. Methods: Designed a descriptive, retrospective and prospective cross-sectional study on 68 patients ≥ 60 years old who were examined, diagnosed with acute appendicitis and underwent laparoscopic appendectomy at the Department of General Surgery - Diseases. Can Tho Central General Hospital from March 2022 to March 2024. Result: Clinical characteristics: Temperature < 37.50C (86.3%), pulse rate 81 - 100 beats/minute (74.0%), blood pressure ≤ 130 mmHg (60.3%), pain in the right iliac fossa 100%; dull, constant pain 86.3%, Mac Burney pain score 91.8%; abdominal wall reaction 78.1%; the location of pain onset was in the right iliac fossa in 68.5%, and the patients' preoperative health was good (ASA1: 31.5%; ASA2: 49.3%). Paraclinical characteristics: white blood cell count > 10 G/L (74.0%), appendix size ≥ 8 mm (68.5%), clear inflammatory reaction (61.6%), appendix Abnormal location (pelvis) is 1.4%, abdominal fluid detected is 63%.

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