Hoàng Nguyễn, Doãn Đông Trịnh

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Objectives: To describe the clinical, paraclinical and rate of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis in patients undergoing esophagectomy with three field lymphadenectomy for esophageal carcinoma at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Methods: A prospective descriptive study on 16 patients with esophageal carcinoma who underwent thoracoscopic-laparoscopic esophagectomy and three field lymphadenectomy. Results and discussion: Mean age 59.75 ± 6.96. All of the patients are male. The middle third of the tumor accounted for 56.2%, the lower third accounted for 48.2%. Stages IIB and IIIB accounted for the most 31.5%, stages IA, IB, IIA all accounted for 12.5%. The rate of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis was 7 patients, accounting for 35%. Of which, the rate of complete recovery 1 month after surgery had 4 cases, accounting for 57.1%, the rate of incomplete paralysis had 1 case, accounting for 14.3%, and the rate of complete paralysis after had 2 cases, accounting for 28.6%. Conclusions: The rate of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis in our research is a quite high, accounting 35%. The rate of complete paralysis after one month surgery was 28.6%, the remaining 71% are incomplete paralysis and  totally recovered after surgery.

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