Thị Hoàn Lê, Văn Hoan Lương, Thụy Khánh Linh Trần, Thị Oanh Nguyễn, Thị Nhi Phạm

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Objective: Surveying the knowledge, applied skills and application of nursing process in clinical practice of intensive care nurses at Cho Ray hospital and related factors. Research methodology: A Descriptive cross-sectional study was implemented by 100 nurses in 4 intensive care departments (Neurological Resuscitation, Emergency Resuscitation in Ward B, Emergency Resuscitation in Ward D, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Department) from March, 2023 to July, 2023. The convenience sampling technique was implemented on all registered nurses. Nurses answered the questionnaire used by Bui Thi Thanh Huyen (2022), which included 56 questions. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 software, statistical significance was established when p-value < 0.05 with a 95% confidence interval. Descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages, analytical statistics by using Chi-square test, univariate Logistic regression. Results: The percentage of nurses who applied nursing process to clinical practice was 61%. The percentage of nurses who had correct knowledge about the nursing process was 64%, and incorrect knowledge was 36%. The percentage of nurses with high skills and moderate skills was 45% and 55%, respectively. Application skills were associated with nursing process application (OR = 3.205; 95% CI = 1.355 - 7.584). Workplace atmosphere (OR = 0.157 95% CI = 0.062 - 0.395). Stress during working hours with causes from managers (OR = 0.325; 95% CI = 0.142 - 0.743) and causes from colleagues (OR = 0.295; 95% CI = 0.129 - 0.674 were factors that affected the application skills of intensive care nurses. Conclusion: The results showed that the rate of correct knowledge and high application skills and the application of nursing process was still at an average level. Workplace atmosphere and stress during working hours were factors that affect nurses' application skills, and application skills were related to the application of nursing process in clinical practice. Thereby, nurses need to make efforts, proactively study, and improve their skills to increase the quality of care. On the hospital side, it is necessary to build a professional working environment and create favorable conditions for nurses to learn and develop professional skills.

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