Âu Thanh Thy Nguyễn, Thị Khánh Tường Trần

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Background: Some domestic and foreign studies have shown high efficacy of levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy for the first-line treatment of H. pylori, especially in regions of high levofloxacin resisteance as in our country[4]. Currently, there are not many studies about efficacy of levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy for the first-line treatment of H. pylori infection. Objective: To determine H. pylori eradication rate of levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy and some factors related to the effectiveness of H. pylori eradication of this regimen. Method: The study was carried out on 164 patients infected with H. pylori has never been treated before. All patients received a levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy. Diagnosis of H. pylori infection by CLO-test or C13 urea-breath test. Four to twelve weeks after completion of therapy, H. pylori status was rechecked by CLO-test or C13 urea-breath test. Results: Eradication rates of levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy on per-protocol (PP) and intention to treat (ITT) is 89,4% and 87,2%. The eradication effect of the regimen is related to the cigarettes smoking and the patient’s compliance. Conclusion: The efficacy of levofloxacin containing quadruple therapy for the first-line treatment of H. pylori is high

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