Quốc Huy Trần, Thị Kiều Nhi Nguyễn

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Introduction: Hypoglycemia often occurs within the first few hours of life, and timely detection and treatment can minimize complications in newborns. Objective: Describe the incidence of hypoglycemia in hospitalized pathological neonates before treatment based on weight and gestational age classification, according to the early neonatal morbidity model. Subjects and Methods: This cross-sectional study described 120 neonates from October 2022 to June 2023 at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – Neonatology Department, Can Tho Children's Hospital. Capillary blood glucose testing was performed at the bedside at the time of admission. Results: The incidence of hypoglycemia before treatment was 34.2%, with a significant difference in hypoglycemia between the two groups treated and untreated at previous facilities (p=0.003). The incidence of hypoglycemia in preterm neonates was 86.5%, while in full-term neonates it was 13.5%, showing a statistically significant difference (p=0.002). Preterm neonates with small and large gestational age (SGA and LGA) had a higher rate of hypoglycemia compared to preterm neonates with appropriate gestational age (AGA) (p=0.004). The morbidity model of neonates with hypoglycemia before treatment in the early neonatal period included non-infectious respiratory distress (48.8%), early neonatal infection from maternal transmission (41.5%), polycythemia (24.4%), congenital anomalies (39%), indirect hyperbilirubinemia (7.3%), and birth asphyxia (2.4%). However, these differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Preterm neonates with large and small birth weights for gestational age have a higher rate of hypoglycemia before treatment compared to other types of neonates

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