Minh An Nguyễn, Đình Hoan Trần

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Objective: To study the indication of laparoscopy of acute calculous cholecystitis patients at Thai Binh general hospital from June 2022 - June 2023. Methods: Cross-sectional description of 54 patients with acute calculous cholecystitis undergone laparoscopy at Thai Binh General Hospital. Results: The average age was 60.5 ± 17.2; Female/male ratio was 1.35; History: 59.3% of patients had combined medical diseases, surgical history was 11.1%; Functional symptoms: 85.2% of patients had right upper quadrant pain, 96.3% had dull pain; Entity: gallbladder pain score was 94.4%, gallbladder enlargement to touch was 13.0%, right upper quadrant reaction was 18.5%; Pre-operative test results: 55.6% white blood cells increased over 10 G/l. Increased bilirubin was 31.5%. Increased liver enzymes was 16.7%; Pre-operative ultrasound: Gallbladder enlargement was 81.5%, thickening gallbladder wall was 100%, and pericholecystitis signs was 24.1%. The number of stones on ultrasound: 1 stone was 31.5%, many stones was 68.5%, cervical stone location, gallbladder duct was 22.2%. Conclusion: Research of indication of laparoscopy of acute calculous cholecystitis for 54 patients at Thai Binh general hospital showed: Average age was 60.5 ± 17.2, Ultrasound Before surgery: Gallbladder enlargement was 81.5%, thickening gallbladder wall thickening was 100%, and pericholecystitis was 24.1%. The number of stones: 1 stone was 31.5%, many stones was 68.5%.

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