Thị Thanh Chung¬ Đỗ, Thị Hồng Ngãi Trần, Thị Hồng Nhung Huỳnh

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Objectives: To assess the effects of catgut implantation in the treatment of spondylosis induced cervicobrachialgia and monitoring the side effects of the method. Subjects and methods: A clinical trial with control, before-after comparisons of 60 patients diagnosed with cervicobrachialgia due to spondylosis, divided into 2 groups. Research group (NNC): 30 patients were treated with catgut implantation and Control group (NĐC): 30 patients were treated with electroacupuncture. Results: After 20 days of treatment, the cervical spine range of motion of both groups improved significantly (p <0.01), the improvement of pain level and all the six movements of the NNC was higher than the NĐC with p < 0.05. Catgut implantation was more effective than electroacupuncture with a good rate of 46.67%, the fair rate is 43.33. Only 5 patients had mild pain and 1 patient had mild fever after the implantation. The change in hematology and biochemical indicators before and after the implantation was not statistically significant with P> 0.05. Conclusion: Catgut implantation is a safe, effective method in the treatment of cervicobrachialgia due to spondylosis

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