Thị Thuý Duy Nguyễn, Phan Bảo Duy Lương, Công Thắng Trần

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Background: Cognitive impairment and dementia are increasingly serious health problems in the elderly. Recent studies have recorded a significant increase in the number of people with dementia coming to medical facilities with complaints of memory loss. This shows the importance of early screening and diagnosis of cognitive decline and dementia. Research on demographic characteristics and assessment of patients' cognitive function using the MMSE scale helps to have a comprehensive view of the disease pattern of this disease. Objectives: Describe demographic characteristics and evaluate cognitive function of patients with cognitive impairment using the MMSE scale at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of over 100 patients with complaints of memory loss examined at the Neurology Clinic of Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Ho Chi Minh from January 2023 to June 2023. Results: The average age of the study subjects was 69.9; The youngest is 60 years old and the oldest is 87 years old. Females predominate, female/male ratio = 1.56/1. Primary education level accounts for 31%. The occupational group with the highest proportion is farmers with 37%. Among comorbid medical conditions, hypertension accounts for 63%. 90% of study participants had cognitive impairment. There was a difference between educational level and occupation between the group with cognitive impairment and the group without cognitive impairment (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Cognitive decline and dementia are common diseases in the elderly, with a predominance in women and people with low education levels. Assessing cognitive function using the MMSE scale on people with complaints of memory impairment, at the cut-off point of 25, 90% of cases have impaired cognitive function, including mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

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